the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Tips On Living With Your Norfolk
Tip Of The Week
© TBNTC2020
Content is not warranted or endorsed by The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club but is intended as a reference guide for living with Norfolks. Housebreaking Tips: From Angelia in Idaho and the Big Boys 1. Smaller than normal crate so he could not potty in his bed. After a week of not going in crate move to larger crate. If he has an accident immediatly go back to the smaller crate and start over. 2. He was not allowed to run loose in the house. His areas of freedom were small and always supervised. 3. Comming out of crate he was not allowed to walk to the door, he was carried outside.  4 Even though he was allowed lots of outside play time we also were very consistant with walking several times a day so  we could ensure he was going potty and to verbally reward him making it a very pleasant experience.Some dogs spend lots of time outside but still come back in and potty so important you participate in the outside time . 5 Only after a good walk and lots of outside play time would we bring him back inside the house for family time. This would include putting a belly band on him and again, not allowed run of the house, but allowed a sma ll area like a x pen in the family area. As he got better he was allowed a room. If we could not watch him he went in the crate. 6 I always used a belly band in the house. This keeps you from hovering which in my opinion sometimes makes the dog mark by making him nervous. Use the belly band even after he is very reliable it just keeps them honest. I use one even to this day when we visit a friend or stay in a hotel for a dog show.   We just brought in a retired older dog from a breeder who will live with my mom when he is ready. Even though he was shown he has always been a kennel dog and has no house manners. We have been following this routine for 3 weeks now and he is 90%. I believe in another 4 weeks he will be ready to live with my mom as a well behaved boy. We also have Pembroke girls in our house so the boys have interesting girl smells to deal with. Hope this helps, I will not lie to you his success requires a ton of work from you and your family and your dog has to believe you are serious and consistant. Housebreaking is something I do with all my Pembroke puppies prior to leaving for their new homes and have been known to not allow a puppy to go home until I feel they are reliable. I believe it is the breeders responsiblity to set the new family and the puppy up to succeed by having a good start. Sorry to preach, housebreaking is my pet peve! next next previous previous Safe Travels: Whether going by plane, train, or automobile, train your pet to travel in his kennel. This invaluable training will make the entire traveling experience less stressful to the animal, whether across the country or across town. Causes of Giardia: ...Drinking water or using ice made from contaminated sources (lakes, streams, shallow (less than 50 feet) or poorly monitored or maintained wells) ...Swallowing recreational water contaminated with Giardia. Recreational water includes water in swimming pools, water parks, hot tubs or spas, fountains, lakes, rivers, springs, ponds, or streams that can be contaminated with feces or sewage from humans or animals. Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet - Alcoholic beverages - Avocado - Chocolate (all forms) - Coffee (all forms) - Fatty foods - Macadamia nuts - Moldy or spoiled foods - Onions, onion powder - all forms - Raisins and grapes - Salt - Yeast dough - Garlic - all forms - Products sweetened with xylitol - artificial sweetener CHEYLETIELLA MITE IN NORFOLK PUPPIES: This is a link to an article written by Ed Plummer for ANTIC, the newsletter for ANTA Holiday Hazards: Antifreeze, Baking Chocolate, Mistletoe, Poinsettia, Ivy, Christmas Cactus, Tinsel, Glow jewelry  The holiday season is a stressful time for dogs. Try to keep a normal schedule during all the excitement. Everybody needs their zzzz’s, please: Make sure your companion animal has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafts. A cozy dog or cat bed with a warm pillow or blanket is perfect. Rock salt, used to melt ice on sidewalks, may irritate footpads. Be sure to rinse and dry your dog's feet after a walk.
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