the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Tips On Living With Your Norfolk
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© TBNTC2020
next next Content is not warranted or endorsed by The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club but is intended as a reference guide for living with Norfolks. Submissive urination, submitted by Fraya Katz, ARIEL Looking at some old email I missed I saw these posts. Submissive urination is a retained puppy trait which all canids, wild included do as puppies when confronted by a superior adult. It communicates,” See or rather smell, that I am just a puppy and harmless.” Most dogs grow out of it but some don”t . I bred a Standard Poodle bitch who never did it to anyone but me, whom she associated with her puppy time with me.. And she continued to pee submissively any time she saw me even when she was quite old. Luckily she never did it to anyone else  Dogs often do this when people just come in the house and most often to men because they consider them more dominant. The way to get the dogs over this reflexive behavior is the ignore the dog when you first come in, not approaching it nor speaking in a loud voice or standing over the dog. Carry some non perishable treats that the dog particularly likes in your pocket and upon first seeing the dog throw a treat at the dog so it is distracted. The attention paid to the treat will short circuit the peeing. Soon the dog will be so habituated to looking for the treat when someone first comes home, the submissive behavior will disappear. This one of the great trainer, Bill Campbell’s tricks and I have never know it to fail. "Car Ride Safety for Pets" Cold Weather Tips: Placing a thick mat or blanket under your dog's bed or crate helps insulate the bed from cold seeping up through your floor. If your power is out shredded newspaper is a good insulation to help your Norfolk maintain body heat while sleeping.   Many dogs just don’t want to eliminate waste in deep snow. In those cases, make a more comfortable bathroom by shoveling the snow away in a certain place. Get the dog out there and back very quickly.  In very cold weather, the pads on the bottom of your dog's feet can take a beating. They may appear dry and slightly cracked. If you notice this, or, better yet, before it becomes a problem, here are some measures you can take: After each walk, wash off your pet’s feet. This will get any ice off them and washes    off any road salt that could be causing the dryness. Trim the hair between your pet’s toes; it often collects ice and snow. If dryness persists, apply petroleum jelly to the pads prior to walking your dog. In extreme cases, you could buy special boots made of neoprene or similar  materials for your pet.  Provide plenty of fresh water. Your dog is just as likely to get dehydrated in the winter as in the summer. Snow is not a satisfactory substitute for water. De-Icers are Toxic to pets if ingested. Boots can help protect the pads of your dog's feet as well as offer better footing for older dogs. After direct exposure to de-icers rinse your dog's paws immediately paying particular attention to ice that may have accumulated in little balls in the pad of the foot. Towel dry and if the feet are chapped or cracked you can work a little moisturizer to the pads. Holiday Tips:  Be aware of how the excitement and chaos of holiday celebrations in your home affect your pet. Offer a safe quiet place your pet can escape excessive noise and busy feet of small children.  Refrain from using edible ornaments. Your dog may knock the tree over in an attempt to eat them. Also, commercial ornaments may contain paint or toxins in the preservatives. The Norfolk Terrier Club now has a Norfolk Terrier Companion Guide To Grooming available. Watch for availability on the NTC web site. Deadly Chagas Disease The Use Of Probiotics
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