the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Breeders Corner
© TBNTC2020
Kafka said, "All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained in the dog."
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Breeding Tips And Tricks
The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club does not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate these recommendations or contributors, their kennel or their stock. The purpose of this section is to share the knowledge and experience of breeders who have vast experience in whelping and raising puppies. The tips and tricks below are intended to augment qualified veterinarian care, not as a substitute for qualified veterinarian care of the dam and puppies.
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From a Breeders' Forum: Homemade Ringer's solution can be given newborns that are weak and not nursing: Put in a Pyrex custard cup or microwave-safe dish, 1 Tsp. white corn syrup, 4 Tbsp. tap water, a few grains of sodium chloride (real table salt), a few grains of potassium chloride (salt substitute). Cover with Saran Wrap and boil. Let cool to body temp, covered.
Knowledge and good planning makes for good decisions in your breeding program. Before you select a stud dog, consider testing your bitch for known health issues in your breed. You can find recommended tests on the NNTC web site, the Canine Health Foundation web site, and from fellow Norwich/Norfolk owners. Also test for Bruscellosis and Canine Herpes Virus. Once you've got the results of tests on your bitch, ask the owner of your selected stud dog to provide health test results from their stud dog. If you take responsibility for breeding a healthy litter, you've taken one step forward in eliminating health concerns in our breeds. It is up to you as a breeder to determine what health tests are important and necessary for your breeding program. Additionally, puppy mills are quite unlikely to provide health tests prior to breeding or selling a puppy, and health tests may be one way to ensure against supporting commercial breeders.
If you do not plan to breed your dog, consider spaying or neutering your pet. Just as with humans, the reproductive organs provide opportunity for cancer in the senior dog. Additionally, should you have both dogs and bitches on your premises, behavior management becomes easier.
From: DeBe's Norwich  Let the dam have the placentas. The placenta stimulates hormones needed for good milk. Then all my girls get Espilac in their watered meal once or twice a day depending on her eating habits. I also have all of my dogs and bitches on raspberry tea, Omega 3, and yogurt for acidophilus. Being sure they have good calcium levels right before they go into labor is of major importance. Labor drains it out. Sharing my 20 years of breeding. . Remember the first 24 hours they need energy not food.
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