the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Historic Norfolk Breeders/Kennels
Historical Breeders
© The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club
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A copy of an old article written by Joy, "Breeding and Blood Lines". contributed by Frank Rogers Mrs. Taylor promoted her Nanfan line as "bred for smallness, substance and stamina from keen working stock. reared and make small sporting companions with a very sweet disposition." From in interview with her, “ I plan my breeding almost entirely on pedigree, taking the bitch line up and back to the great grandsire's line which are the lines on which breeding is planned. It is possible to clear these lines with one's own dogs where all the faults and attributes are known.” Another quote from Joy, “ I have always suspected that breeding like to like brings in too many factors which are unknown to me with a resulting mixed bag of types and soundness in the resulting litter (for which one freak 'flyer' does not compensate) making it fairly impossible to plan a breeding programme for the progeny with any semblance of sustained type, soundness and temperament.” The Illustrated Story of Nanfan Kennels A Gallery Of Old Nanfan Ads, Publications and Memorabilia